Great leadership is vital for organisational and individual thriving. These three workshops bring together the key themes from the skills builder workshops into an integrated programme designed for those new to leadership or looking to consolidate and polish the skills that experience has taught them
The three one day workshops will:
Thriving Leadership - Register your interest
Workshop 1 – Know yourself
Leadership is about getting the best out of ourselves – knowing our purpose and what matters to us; appreciating our strengths without overlooking our blind spots; developing the ability to extend our map of the world; being able to understand and control our emotions; and growing the resilience that is part and parcel of rubbing along with others and dealing with demanding situations. And leadership is about being an effective learner in a world in which competitive advantage is increasingly dependent on the leader’s the ability to learn.
Workshop 2 – Relationship building
Relationships are fundamental to organisational and to leadership effectiveness. We need other people in our lives and at work for our own wellbeing. When relationships thrive we deliver better work, spend less time dealing with the consequences of misunderstandings and organisational politics and are enabled to have open and transparent conversations. Through relationships we influence those around and enable people in an organisation to work effectively together to achieve the organisations mission and purpose. When things go wrong in organisations the failure is often one of relationship breakdown. Despite all this we often fail to look at what is happening to us and around us through a relational lens.
Workshop 3 – Growth - Leading as coaching
Coaching represents a route to empowerment both of yourself and others. It’s about working together in a collaborative, solution focussed way to identify what someone wants to change or achieve, recognise what will help or hinder them in doing this, support them in identifying options, agree first steps, monitor progress and provide feedback. In an ever more demanding world where the pressure is always on to achieve less liberating your own and other people’s potential is key to creating an environment in which you and your team can thrive.
This module is about understanding and being able to apply coaching skills; and getting the best out of yourself and others by focusing on personal growth and improving productivity.